NAV Navbar
  • Introduction
  • Overview
  • KDS Cloud Overview
  • KDS Cloud Information
  • KDS Cloud Orders
  • KDS Cloud Notifications
  • Introduction

    The Fresh Technology Integrations API allows for outside parties to send and pull data from the Fresh Technology systems.


    To integrate with Fresh KDS please contact to discuss your integration and next steps.

    Getting Started


    If you are creating an integration for your own use, the above steps will need to be repeated on the Fresh production environment. If your integration is intended to be used by your customers, the customer will need to follow the steps above on their Fresh account and supply you with the integration token. Tokens are assigned at the account level and will be unique per customer.

    The Integration token will be required for all calls to the Integrations API, if the token is not valid, or has been revoked, the request will fail with a 401 (Unauthorized).


    Be sure to check the HTTP syntax to see what headers are required to be sent. Some routes require different headers, however all requests will require the integration token to be sent.

    Environment URL


    Every request on the Integrations API requires 1 header sent.

    KDS Cloud Overview

    KDS Cloud allows for outside integrations to send orders to be displayed on FreshKDS screens. Through the use of KDS Cloud, orders can be sent from any third party system whether on premise or cloud based with the granular control over which screen(s) will receive the orders.

    KDS Cloud Information

    Get KDS Information

    GET /integrators/kds-information HTTP/1.1
    x-integration-token: pUiVhtLDbqmYG312IEJ0UDcjhWXhivXKiZxwoNWBJPeFTDCaZHs7UQgoVKtFLeCt6sJ572WD0Xnh10l2baOiph
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    content-type: application/json
            "id": "81db5db1-b5af-4e45-8767-71fb78e29bdb",
            "number": "123456",
            "name": "Test Location Fresh",
            "address": {
                "zip": "12345",
                "city": "Any Town",
                "line1": "123 Test Lane",
                "line2": null,
                "state": "NV"
            "timezone": "US/Pacific",
            "devices": [
                    "id": "ef837416-c674-40ab-9aa3-eb0f202e8646",
                    "name": "Device 1"

    GET /integrators/kds-information

    Get KDS Locations

    GET /integrators/kds-information/locations HTTP/1.1
    x-integration-token: pUiVhtLDbqmYG312IEJ0UDcjhWXhivXKiZxwoNWBJPeFTDCaZHs7UQgoVKtFLeCt6sJ572WD0Xnh10l2baOiph
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    content-type: application/json
            "id": "81db5db1-b5af-4e45-8767-71fb78e29bdb",
            "number": "123456",
            "name": "Test Location Fresh",
            "address": {
                "zip": "12345",
                "city": "Any Town",
                "line1": "123 Test Lane",
                "line2": null,
                "state": "NV"
            "timezone": "US/Pacific"

    GET /integrators/kds-information/locations

    Get KDS Location Devices

    GET /integrators/kds-information/locations/81db5db1-b5af-4e45-8767-71fb78e29bdb/devices HTTP/1.1
    x-integration-token: pUiVhtLDbqmYG312IEJ0UDcjhWXhivXKiZxwoNWBJPeFTDCaZHs7UQgoVKtFLeCt6sJ572WD0Xnh10l2baOiph
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    content-type: application/json
            "id": "ef837416-c674-40ab-9aa3-eb0f202e8646",
            "name": "Device 1"

    GET /integrators/kds-information/locations/{locationId}/devices

    KDS Cloud Orders

    Get KDS Active Orders

    GET /integrators/kds-orders/active HTTP/1.1
    x-integration-token: 1234567890
    x-location-id: 5fcbcc8c-d637-4d91-a576-9de31ffe7a3d
    x-device-ids: 319fb5bc-6189-4dc6-a1e0-42dbf36177e9 (Comma delimited for multiple devices, value of 'all' for all active devices at location)
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    content-type: application/json
            "deviceId": "49d0d0a9-e7a8-438c-9e14-e26198e637df",
            "deviceName": "Device 2",
            "orderCount": 2,
            "orders": [
                    "orderId": "223456789",
                    "orderName": "2 Test Order"
                    "orderId": "323456789",
                    "orderName": "2 Test Order 2"
            "deviceId": "74b6041f-c095-47b9-ba4f-340b89142935",
            "deviceName": "Device 3",
            "orderCount": 1,
            "orders": [
                    "orderId": "423456789",
                    "orderName": "3 Test Order"

    Returns array of requested (all) devices with the orders active and on screen for those devices

    GET /integrators/kds-orders/active

    Send KDS Order

    POST /integrators/kds-orders HTTP/1.1
    x-integration-token: 1234567890
    x-location-id: 5fcbcc8c-d637-4d91-a576-9de31ffe7a3d
    x-device-ids: 319fb5bc-6189-4dc6-a1e0-42dbf36177e9 (Comma delimited for multiple devices, value of 'all' for all active devices at location)
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    content-type: application/json
        "orderId" : "d2874775-34e2-4829-8b59-1260e40eca4e",
        "deliveryStatuses": [
                "device": "e1675528-aba9-4b97-8482-a72380870fd5",
                "status": "success"

    POST /integrators/kds-orders

    Additional Headers

    Body Parameters

    KDS Order

    Property Required Type Description
    id yes string Integration order id
    name yes string Order Name/Number
    time yes date Order Date/Time, ISO 8601 Format
    pickupTime no date Pickup Date/Time, ISO 8601 Format
    phoneNumber no string Phone number to contact regarding order
    optInForSms no bool If a phone number is supplied and KDS is configured to send SMS messages, provides an option to send a SMS or not for this order. NOTE: If this property is not sent, default is true
    deliveryAddress no string If order is for delivery, can supply and address for display
    mode yes string Order Mode (For Here, ToGo, Pickup, DriveThru, Delivery, CurbSide) note: if invalid order mode, mode will be added to order name
    server no string Server Name
    source no string Identifier of Integrator. This is for partner integrations with KDS and value to send must be supplied by Fresh Technology. Current accepted values are null or togotechnology.
    items yes KdsItem[] Items
    terminal yes string Pos Terminal
    specialInstructions no string Text based special instructions that will be displayed on the order. Newlines can be inserted with '\n'
    customerArrivedUrl no url If SMS Bolt-On enabled and this value is supplied. This link will be included with the SMS for Order Received and Order Ready for Pickup. This URL should route to integrators system to send the Customer Arrived Notification to KDS
    vehicleModel no string Car Model
    vehicleColor no string Car Color
    retry no object If specified devices are not connected when the order is sent. Values in this object are used for notification and expiration
    costs no Costs Object that contains costs associated with the order
    deliveryService no DeliveryService Object contains information regarding the order if a delivery service is being used
    accessibility no Accessibility Object contains information regarding accessibility (ADA) neededs
    originSource no string If the order is coming from certain third parties, this can be reflected with this option. Current accepted values: (UBEREATS, GRUBHUB, DOORDASH). Note: Invalid sources will be ignored.

    KDS Item

    Property Required Type Description
    id no string Item Id
    lineId no string Id of item on order, used to update a particular order item
    name yes string Item Name
    qty yes int Quantity
    price no string Cost of item, value should be a string and can include the currency symbol or not
    mods yes Modifier[] Item Modifiers, empty array if none
    components no Components[] Array of Components that make up the item, will be leveraged in the KDS All Day View
    specialInstructions no string Text based special instructions that will be displayed on the item


    Property Required Type Description
    id no string Id of modifier
    name yes string Name of the modifier
    components no Components[] Array of Components that make up the item, will be leveraged in the KDS All Day View

    NOTE: Previously Mods was a string[], still supported for backwards compatibility


    Property Required Type Description
    notificationUrl no string URL to POST final success or failure either upon success or expiration
    expiration no date ISO 8601 Format date when retrys should no longer be attempted. If not supplied, value of 2 minutes from submission time will be used

    NOTE: Order responds will include an array of device id's and status of delivery to the device. If a retry object is specified, KDS Cloud will attempt to deliver until the expiration time. If no expiration time is specified, retry will attempt for 2 minutes.

    Notification POST Data

    If a notificationUrl is provided, when either all deliveries are successful, or the order delivery has expired, a POST will be made to the supplied url

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    content-type: application/json
      "orderId": "3cd27748-741e-4784-9cb8-abcd01285670",
      "finalStatus": "all-delivered",
      "deliveryStatuses": [
          "device": "e1675528-aba9-4b97-8482-a72380870fd5",
          "status": "success"
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    content-type: application/json
      "orderId": "3cd27748-741e-4784-9cb8-abcd01285670",
      "finalStatus": "order-retry-expired",
      "deliveryStatuses": [
          "device": "e1675528-aba9-4b97-8482-a72380870fd5",
          "status": "kds-not-connected"


    Property Required Type Description
    subtotal no string Sub total of the order
    tax no string Tax on the order
    deliveryFee no string Delivery Fee for the order
    surcharge no string Surcharge for the order
    convenienceFee no string Convenience Fee for the order
    tip no string Tip on the order
    additionalFees no additionalFees[] Additional / Custom Fees
    total no string Total for the order
    promoCodes no promoCodes[] Promo codes for the order

    Additional Fees

    Property Required Type Description
    name yes string Name of the fee
    amount yes string Amount of the fee

    Promo Codes

    Property Required Type Description
    name no string Name of the promo code
    amount yes string Amount of Promo Code, value should be a string and can include the currenty symbol or not


    Property Required Type Description
    name yes string Name of the component
    count yes int Count of the component on the item

    Delivery Service

    Property Required Type Description
    name yes string Name of the delivery service
    orderId yes string Delivery Service order Id
    driverPhone no string Phone number of the delivery driver


    Property Required Type Description
    wheelChairAccess yes bool This value will be sent along to supported integrations (Apex Lockers)

    Update KDS Order

    PUT /integrators/kds-orders HTTP/1.1
    x-integration-token: 1234567890
    x-location-id: 5fcbcc8c-d637-4d91-a576-9de31ffe7a3d
    x-device-ids: 319fb5bc-6189-4dc6-a1e0-42dbf36177e9 (Comma delimited for multiple devices, value of 'all' for all active devices at location)
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    content-type: application/json
        "orderId" : "d2874775-34e2-4829-8b59-1260e40eca4e",
        "deliveryStatuses": [
                "device": "e1675528-aba9-4b97-8482-a72380870fd5",
                "status": "success"

    PUT /integrators/kds-orders

    Additional Headers

    Body Parameters

    All properties are optional other than the ID. Null or unsupplied properties will be ignored.

    KDS Order

    Property Required Type Description
    id yes string Integration order id
    source no string Identifier of Integrator. This is for partner integrations with KDS and value to send must be supplied by Fresh Technology. Current accepted values are null or togotechnology.
    name no string Order Name/Number
    pickupTime no date Pickup Date/Time, ISO 8601 Format
    phoneNumber no string Phone number to contact regarding order
    optInForSms no bool If a phone number is supplied and KDS is configured to send SMS messages, provides an option to send a SMS or not for this order. NOTE: If this property is not sent, default is true
    deliveryAddress no string If order is for delivery, can supply and address for display
    mode no string Order Mode (For Here, ToGo, Pickup, DriveThru, Delivery, CurbSide) note: if invalid order mode, mode will be added to order name
    server no string Server Name
    items no KdsItem[] Items. Note, items added to this will be added to the order sent to update
    specialInstructions no string Text based special instructions that will be displayed on the order. Newlines can be inserted with '\n'
    customerArrivedUrl no url If SMS Bolt-On enabled and this value is supplied. This link will be included with the SMS for Order Received and Order Ready for Pickup. This URL should route to integrators system to send the Customer Arrived Notification to KDS
    vehicleModel no string Car Model
    vehicleColor no string Car Color
    retry no object If specified devices are not connected when the order is sent. Values in this object are used for notification and expiration
    costs no Costs Object that contains costs associated with the order
    deliveryService no DeliveryService Object contains information regarding the order if a delivery service is being used
    accessibility no Accessibility Object contains information regarding accessibility (ADA) neededs

    KDS Item

    Property Required Type Description
    id no string Item Id
    lineId no string Id of item on order, used to update a particular order item
    name yes string Item Name
    qty yes int Quantity
    price no string Cost of item, value should be a string and can include the currency symbol or not
    mods yes string[] Item Modifiers, empty array if none
    components no Components[] Array of Components that make up the item, will be leveraged in the KDS All Day View
    specialInstructions no string Text based special instructions that will be displayed on the item


    Property Required Type Description
    notificationUrl no string URL to POST final success or failure either upon success or expiration
    expiration no date ISO 8601 Format date when retrys should no longer be attempted. If not supplied, value of 2 minutes from submission time will be used

    NOTE: Order responds will include an array of device id's and status of delivery to the device. If a retry object is specified, KDS Cloud will attempt to deliver until the expiration time. If no expiration time is specified, retry will attempt for 2 minutes.

    Notification POST Data

    If a notificationUrl is provided, when either all deliveries are successful, or the order delivery has expired, a POST will be made to the supplied url

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    content-type: application/json
      "orderId": "3cd27748-741e-4784-9cb8-abcd01285670",
      "finalStatus": "all-delivered",
      "deliveryStatuses": [
          "device": "e1675528-aba9-4b97-8482-a72380870fd5",
          "status": "success"
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    content-type: application/json
      "orderId": "3cd27748-741e-4784-9cb8-abcd01285670",
      "finalStatus": "order-retry-expired",
      "deliveryStatuses": [
          "device": "e1675528-aba9-4b97-8482-a72380870fd5",
          "status": "kds-not-connected"


    Property Required Type Description
    subtotal no string Sub total of the order
    tax no string Tax on the order
    deliveryFee no string Delivery Fee for the order
    surcharge no string Surcharge for the order
    convenienceFee no string Convenience Fee for the order
    tip no string Tip on the order
    additionalFees no additionalFees[] Additional / Custom Fees
    total no string Total for the order
    promoCodes no promoCodes[] Promo codes for the order

    Additional Fees

    Property Required Type Description
    name yes string Name of the fee
    amount yes string Amount of the fee

    Promo Codes

    Property Required Type Description
    name no string Name of the promo code
    amount yes string Amount of Promo Code, value should be a string and can include the currenty symbol or not


    Property Required Type Description
    name yes string Name of the component
    count yes int Count of the component on the item

    Delivery Service

    Property Required Type Description
    name yes string Name of the delivery service
    orderId yes string Delivery Service order Id
    driverPhone no string Phone number of the delivery driver


    Property Required Type Description
    wheelChairAccess yes bool This value will be sent along to supported integrations (Apex Lockers)

    KDS Cloud Notifications

    Send KDS Customer Arrived Notification

    KDS has a robust Takeout Management section as well as the standard Kitchen Display. If a customer has enabled that view, any order type they have configured to display there will for fulfillment. Through KDS Cloud, a signal can be sent to the KDS to notify the Takeout Management screen that a customer has arrived.

    POST /integrators/kds-notifications/customer-arrived HTTP/1.1
    x-integration-token: 1234567890
    x-location-id: 5fcbcc8c-d637-4d91-a576-9de31ffe7a3d
    x-device-ids: 319fb5bc-6189-4dc6-a1e0-42dbf36177e9 (Comma delimited for multiple devices, value of 'all' for all active devices at location)
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    content-type: application/json
        "orderId" : "d2874775-34e2-4829-8b59-1260e40eca4e",
        "deliveryStatuses": [
                "device": "e1675528-aba9-4b97-8482-a72380870fd5",
                "status": "success"

    POST /integrators/kds-notifications/customer-arrived

    Additional Headers

    Body Parameters

    Property Required Type Description
    id yes string Integration order id. This is the orderId that was returned when submitting the order through KDS Cloud
    source no string Identifier of Integrator. This is for partner integrations with KDS and value to send must be supplied by Fresh Technology. Should not be supplied in most cases.
    retry no object If specified devices are not connected when the order is sent. Values in this object are used for notification and expiration


    Property Required Type Description
    notificationUrl no string URL to POST final success or failure either upon success or expiration
    expiration no date ISO 8601 Format date when retrys should no longer be attempted. If not supplied, value of 2 minutes from submission time will be used

    NOTE: Order responds will include an array of device id's and status of delivery to the device. If a retry object is specified, KDS Cloud will attempt to deliver until the expiration time. If no expiration time is specified, retry will attempt for 2 minutes.

    Notification POST Data

    If a notificationUrl is provided, when either all deliveries are successful, or the order delivery has expired, a POST will be made to the supplied url

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    content-type: application/json
      "orderId": "3cd27748-741e-4784-9cb8-abcd01285670",
      "finalStatus": "all-delivered",
      "deliveryStatuses": [
          "device": "e1675528-aba9-4b97-8482-a72380870fd5",
          "status": "success"
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    content-type: application/json
      "orderId": "3cd27748-741e-4784-9cb8-abcd01285670",
      "finalStatus": "order-retry-expired",
      "deliveryStatuses": [
          "device": "e1675528-aba9-4b97-8482-a72380870fd5",
          "status": "kds-not-connected"

    Send KDS Estimated Arrival Update

    KDS has a robust Takeout Management section as well as the standard Kitchen Display. If a customer has enabled that view, any order type they have configured to display there will for fulfillment. Through KDS Cloud, you are able to send an update of estimated arrival time for an order displayed on the Takeout Management section. An example being tracking a delivery driver or customer coming into the restaurant to get the order and allowing the kitchen staff visibility into when the order needs to be ready.

    POST /integrators/kds-notifications/estimated-arrival-update' HTTP/1.1
    x-integration-token: 1234567890
    x-location-id: 5fcbcc8c-d637-4d91-a576-9de31ffe7a3d
    x-device-ids: 319fb5bc-6189-4dc6-a1e0-42dbf36177e9 (Comma delimited for multiple devices, value of 'all' for all active devices at location)
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    content-type: application/json
        "orderId" : "d2874775-34e2-4829-8b59-1260e40eca4e",
        "deliveryStatuses": [
                "device": "e1675528-aba9-4b97-8482-a72380870fd5",
                "status": "success"

    POST /integrators/kds-notifications/estimated-arrival-update

    Additional Headers

    Body Parameters

    Property Required Type Description
    id yes string Integration order id. This is the orderId that was returned when submitting the order through KDS Cloud
    minutes yes int Minutes estimated till arrival
    source no string Identifier of Integrator. This is for partner integrations with KDS and value to send must be supplied by Fresh Technology. Should not be supplied in most cases.
    retry no object If specified devices are not connected when the order is sent. Values in this object are used for notification and expiration


    Property Required Type Description
    notificationUrl no string URL to POST final success or failure either upon success or expiration
    expiration no date ISO 8601 Format date when retrys should no longer be attempted. If not supplied, value of 2 minutes from submission time will be used

    NOTE: Order responds will include an array of device id's and status of delivery to the device. If a retry object is specified, KDS Cloud will attempt to deliver until the expiration time. If no expiration time is specified, retry will attempt for 2 minutes.

    Notification POST Data

    If a notificationUrl is provided, when either all deliveries are successful, or the order delivery has expired, a POST will be made to the supplied url

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    content-type: application/json
      "orderId": "3cd27748-741e-4784-9cb8-abcd01285670",
      "finalStatus": "all-delivered",
      "deliveryStatuses": [
          "device": "e1675528-aba9-4b97-8482-a72380870fd5",
          "status": "success"
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    content-type: application/json
      "orderId": "3cd27748-741e-4784-9cb8-abcd01285670",
      "finalStatus": "order-retry-expired",
      "deliveryStatuses": [
          "device": "e1675528-aba9-4b97-8482-a72380870fd5",
          "status": "kds-not-connected"

    Send Message to KDS

    Will send a message that will be displayed on the KDS screen.

    POST /integrators/kds-notifications/send-message HTTP/1.1
    x-integration-token: 1234567890
    x-location-id: 5fcbcc8c-d637-4d91-a576-9de31ffe7a3d
    x-device-ids: 319fb5bc-6189-4dc6-a1e0-42dbf36177e9 (Comma delimited for multiple devices, value of 'all' for all active devices at location)
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    content-type: application/json

    POST /integrators/kds-notifications/send-message

    Additional Headers

    Body Parameters

    Property Required Type Description
    message yes string Message to send